What are the 5 rules of PowerPoint?
1 min read
If you have ever attended a presentation that bored you to tears, chances are it was not because of the topic, but because of the way it was delivered.
Many presenters rely on the default settings and templates of PowerPoint, which are often dull, cluttered and ineffective.
They also fail to craft a compelling story that engages the audience and conveys the main message clearly.
In this blog post, I will share with you some insights on why standard PowerPoint design and storytelling are the main culprits of presentation failure, and how you can avoid them by following some simple tips and tricks.
Standard PowerPoint Design: The Problem
PowerPoint is a powerful tool that can help you create stunning visuals and animations for your presentation. However, it can also be your worst enemy if you use it incorrectly. Here are some of the common problems with standard PowerPoint design:
Too Much Text
Many presenters fill their slides with paragraphs of text, hoping to cover everything they want to say. This is a mistake, because the audience will not read your slides, they will listen to you. Too much text distracts them from your voice and makes them lose interest. Instead, you should use bullet points, keywords or phrases that summarize your main points and support your speech.